Friday, 13 April 2012

Challenger Raises £2500 for Bristol Abseil

Katherine Limbrick from Ribston Hall High School raised a fantastic £2500 for her abseil at the Bristol Sea Walls Avon Gorge on the 31st March. Katherine made a video documentary of her experience - check out the link below!

Thursday, 5 April 2012

Bristol and Newport Challenger Abseils, over £20,000 raised!

On Saturday the 31st of March, over 70 Challengers took part in the Bristol Abseil, at the Bristol Sea Walls Avon Gorge. Despite the clouds looming in the distance we managed to avoid the rain, and everyone completed a successful abseil.

Katherine Limbrick (below) of Ribston Hall High School raised a magnificent £2500 towards her abseil! A fantastic example of how Challenger Events are helping challengers reach their fundraising goals. Katherine's family are also helping her make a video documentary of her abseil experience. We can't wait to see the footage!

On Sunday the 1st of April, the events team travelled a few miles north to Newport in Wales, where over 30 challengers successfully abseiled the Newport Transporter Bridge! The sun was shining which meant for some great abseiling conditions, and some fantastic views from the top!

A big congratulations to everyone that took part this weekend! And a big thank you to all the parents for their support and encouragement on the day! 

Don't forget to check out all the photos on our facebook page: