The Fundraising Support Team have been contacting our 2012 teams to see how they have been getting on with their fundraising. We have seen that over the summer fundraising has slowed down because Challengers are away from school and find it hard to keep in touch with the rest of their team. One team had a great idea to create a Facebook page to keep in touch. They posted their fundraising ideas and plans so everyone could get involved.
Many Challengers have been making the most of the weather we have been having this summer by getting out there and taking part in car boot sales and car washing. We have also heard that a couple of Challengers have cycled from John ‘O’ Groats to Lands end!
Another popular choice this summer for fundraising was to provide services in the local area e.g. babysitting and lawn mowing. Below is a copy of an odd job leaflet, use it to help you write your own.
Most Challengers will be heading back to school in the next couple of weeks, so this is a perfect time to hold a meeting and catch up. Have a look on the My World Challenge website there are loads of ideas and action plans that you could take to your first meeting.
One of our many 2012 Challengers, Alisha, that have already raised their funds has kindly answered a few of our questions.
1. How did you raise your funds?
I raised the money by:
1. sponsored event - swimming 5k
2. Big quiz night with side events going on like selling cards, raffle and heads & tails
3. Selling cards
4. Babysitting - first I dropped around flyers to advertise myself and got the clients from there
5. Paper round.
2. How long did it take you?
1. sponsored event - swimming 5k
2. Big quiz night with side events going on like selling cards, raffle and heads & tails
3. Selling cards
4. Babysitting - first I dropped around flyers to advertise myself and got the clients from there
5. Paper round.
2. How long did it take you?
It took me from November to the end of June
3.What fundraiser brought in the best money?
3.What fundraiser brought in the best money?
The funder-raiser was the quiz night because I had so many teams coming and everyone there was really nice and took part in the games, raffle and brought cards. But the sponsored event wasn’t far behind the main thing that helped me, which was just asking people to give £5 and it all added up.
4. What advice would you give to Challenger fundraising at the moment?
4. What advice would you give to Challenger fundraising at the moment?
Look at events that target different areas of people e.g. school, family, friends, neighbours etc. So your not asking for money from the same people each time. Try and just do one big event with everything packed in.
Next week Customer Service Advisor, Will Green, will be leaving for his cycle for charity, in our next blog we will let you know how he got on!
Like the idea...i wish to use it when i am going to use Discount Card fundraiser.