Tuesday, 13 December 2011

The Christmas period is a great time for fundraising!

We have been chatting to you over the last few weeks about fundraising ideas for Christmas and you have been sending in some great ideas. For those of you that need some last minute ideas for the festive period, you have come to the right place!

Here are a few festive ideas which don't need much preparation.

  • Carol singing- Get your World Challenge t-shirts on, Christmas hats and buckets........ and a singing voice!
  • Christmas cake decorating competition- Get some posters outm charge £5 to enter and aplit the profit with the winner.
  • Sell Christmas cards at school- Get crafty this weekend! go and buy some card making materials and create some lovely homemade cards to sell. You could even charge to deliver them to your friends classmates at School.
  • Christmas odd-job service- Christmas party baby-sitting service, wrappnig presents, and (if there is snow) cleariong paths, are all small jobs which you could complere in return for a donation.
Many of you have told us that you have organsed some bag packing at your local supermarkets. We've included our top tips for bag packing below:

A Challenger's Christmas fete last year
  • Make sure you let people know what you are raising money for, they may be more likely to donate.
  • Do some research on your destination, including what you will be doing in-country and take it with you.
  • Remember to have fun and smile,everyone loves a friendly bag packer!

Christmas prize draw

Please remember to bring your account up to date by the 16th December 2011 to be entered in our Christmas prize draw and be in for a chance to wion £500 off your final balance! check out the next blog to see details of this years winners.

We'd love to hear what you will be doing for your Christmas fundraising so email us at the usual address: fundraisingsupport@world-challenge.co.uk. We love to hear your stories!

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