Friday, 1 June 2012

South Challenger Run Raises £77K!

On Sunday, 29th April 2012, despite some fairly miserable weather conditions, 500 challengers took part in the South Challenger Run at Wellington Country Park in Berkshire.
The wind and rain did not deter challengers, many of whom turned up in fancy dress to complete a lap of the 5k circuit. Challengers returned wet, and muddy, but with high spirits!
It was great to see a large number of friends and family taking part on the day. It just goes to show the tremendous support Challengers have, which no doubt helps motivate them throughout their fundraising.
Challengers raised a grand total of £77,000 towards their expedition. This is a tremendous result, and demonstrates how much these events can help push challengers towards their end target.
A big thank you goes out to all of those involved, and a big congratulations to all of you that took part! 
Check out some of the photos below!


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