We always recommend groups to use a company called Bag2School to raise money for their expedition. Bag2School is the leading textile company working with schools throughout the UK – over 20,000 schools have now organised textile collections and the company has now paid out over £10 million to schools who have used the money for school funds or to support charities. Bag2Thefuture is currently paying schools £500 per tonne for items donated.
A collection is easy to arrange. All you need to do is call one of Bag2school coordinators on 01609 780222 to arrange a collection. Bags2Schools provides the bags for you and all you need to do is fill them up.
They will arrange a mutually agreed time to collect the bags from your school. The collection is then weighed and they will send you a cheque within 4-6 weeks. Attached to your cheque is a Certificate of Achievement highlighting your involvement and efforts, this also shows the weight collected and the amount of money raised.
There is lots of information on the website about how to promote your collection and you can even arrange for someone to come and do an assembly at your school
Over the last couple of months in the office we have had a bit of a competition to see who could collect the most bags and raise the most money for The Challenger Trust. Competition was fierce and the bags of donated items soon started building up.
World Challenge managed to raise £170 in the collection and this money will be donated to the Challenger Trust.
Lauren Smith from our Independent’s programme recently did the same and here’s what she said,
“I had confirmation yesterday that BagSchool are sending me a cheque in 6 weeks for £480. Altogether I collected 960kgs of unwanted clothes/shoes etc. I collected it over 3 months and stored the bags in the garage - wanted to start collecting again but dad said NO - he wants his garage back!! Easy way to raise funds though - Definitely recommend it to other challengers especially if they can store bags.”
Great work Lauren.
Why not see if you and your team can beat Lauren’s impressive £480? If you get the whole school involved you could have the potential to raise a whole heap more!
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