Friday, 11 February 2011

Bag2School continued...

Many of you ask what happens to the clothing collections that Bags2School organise so we decided to follow some of our Challenger teams' collection to see where it all ends up.  We followed the collection organised by Durham School and Hermitage School going to India in 2011.  There are three mascots who are off on their own trip as part of the export journey for the items donated. Bertie Badger (Durham School) and Hermie the Ram (Hermitage School) along with Recce Ted (World Challenge) are soft toys that will now be followed along their journey with the rest of the clothes donated. Bag2TheFuture has 16 export markets for donated items of textiles and the three mascots will be tracked on their journey abroad.  Look out for future instalments to see what happened to the collection.

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