Thursday, 10 March 2011

The Event season kicks off with our first Challenger Abseil!

Every year World Challenge organises a variety of Challenger Abseils which are open to all our Challengers going on expedition.

The Manchester Challenger Abseil at the velodrome marked the start of the season and is a brand new venue for 2011.  Challengers were taken along a walkway in the roof of the building and then abseiled the 40m down into the centre of the arena.

To add to the atmosphere cyclists were training on the circuit which was pretty impressive to watch!

We had 72 Challengers take part with everyone abseiling and they raised a fantastic combined total of £18,000 towards their expedition.  All our Challengers and School Leaders who took part said it was a great way to raise sponsorship and at a cost of only £20 all they had to do was arrange their travel to and from the venue.

All Challengers receive a t-shirt and certificate to mark their acheivement of taking part and it also acts as proof to all the people who have sponsored them that they did it!

Congratulations to everyone who took part and check our Facebook page for more photos from the event coming soon!

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